10 November 2007

birthday and vet

not too much has been happening lately worth writing about. mason was doing very well, and celebrated his third birthday on october 15. we had a small party (no cake, as he is afraid), and he got a new feather mouse and a crinkle tube. i have to put the crinkle tube up at night or he keeps me up playing with it, and i keep forgetting to set it back out for him.

We had an eye vet appointment in october as well. his eye was looking really good, and we took him down to one quarter of a pill per day. of course, this didn't last long and now we're back on two quarters per day.

it is discouraging that he doesn't seem to really be getting better. it feels like everything we do is just kind of holding back the infection, and when we try to wean him it takes back over. it's been almost a year now since the first infection, and i had hoped that things would have been more progressed than they are. it still feels like we're at square one. and it's difficult to not get upset about it because i really can't tell if he's in pain constantly or not. he's always playful, even when there's gunk in his eye.

meanwhile, my pocketbook has taken a huge hit because of all the medicine and vet appointments every few weeks. i'm happy to do whatever it takes to make him comfortable and well, but it just feels like we're not getting anywhere and i hate throwing money at something that doesn't seem to be working. i was told a few visits back that "it takes time," but how much time does it take? In the six months we've been on the lysine and famvir, and i can't tell a big difference from when he wasn't on it save for the famvir holds off the infection. the lysine is supposed to help his body fight off the infection, but everytime we wean him from the famvir he goes right back to square one.